Below is a working list of security items in the DMS and what each item does. Note that access to a parent item is required in order to grant access to a sub-item, with the exception of reports. Because security access for individual reports can also be adjusted via the Reports screen, a user may be able to view a specific report without having access to the parent item which that report falls under.
1 Sales: Gives access to the Sales tab. Individual screens and items within this tab have separate security.
2 Deal: Gives access to the Deal tab (under the Sales category) to search existing deals and create new ones. Individual functions within this screen are controlled by sub-items below.
57 Accessories Button: Gives access to open the Accessories Breakdown window on line 4 of the Deal screen, to add and remove accessories on a deal.
884 Accessories Cost: Gives access to change the cost of an accessory, as well as the associated vendor and expense account, from within the Accessories Breakdown window.
870 Add Lender/Lienholder: Gives access to quickly add a new lender/lienholder to the system from within the "Choose Finance" window, accessible from the blue arrows on line 14 of the Deal screen and line 9 of the Trade Information screen.
66 Auto Check Button: Gives access to the AutoCheck button on the Deal screen, to pull an AutoCheck report on the sale vehicle.
903 Change Gap Term: Gives access to change the Gap term on a deal (independent of the deal term), by right-clicking on the Gap term number on line 9 of the Deal screen. This feature should only be used if selling Gap for a term that does not match the deal term.
649 Choose In-House Finance Company: Gives access to select in-house/BHPH finance company on line 14 of the Deal screen.
54 Customer Bal Button: Gives access to the Customer Balance button displayed at the top of the deal screen, which shows any outstanding balance for the customer attached to the sale.
68 Deal Calculator Button: Gives access to the Deal Calculator, accessible from the right-hand side of the Deal screen. The calculator allows you to match a customer to a list of potential vehicles based on certain deal factors and vehicle criteria.
396 Deal Structure: Gives access to view Retail and Wholesale LTV ratios on line 29 of the Deal screen.
405 Deal Structure Details Button: Gives access to the Deal Structure window using the arrow on line 29 of the Deal Screen.
53 Delete Pending Sales: Allows a user to delete pending sales in the system. Pending sales are sales that have not been delivered, and are the only sales that can be deleted. Deleting is irreversible.
395 DGP Number: Gives access to view the Dealer Gross Profit (DGP) for a deal on line 25 of the Deal screen.
404 DGP Number Button: Gives access to view the Deal Guide window accessible from the arrow on line 25 of the Deal screen, which shows a breakdown of the DGP.
59 DMV Fees Field: Gives access to set DMV fees on a deal using line 8 of the Deal screen.
58 Doc/Smog Button: Gives access to the Fees line and associated popup on line 5 of the Deal screen, to set various deal fees (DMV, Smog, Cancellation Option, Electronic Filing Fee, etc.).
62 Down Field: Gives access to input a down payment amount on a deal.
811 Edit Other Warranty Companies: Gives access to open the Choose VSC window from within the Choose Service Contract window for custom (non-integrated) service contract and warranty options. The window allows you to set the plan name and tie it to a vendor for accounting purposes.
410 Final Sale Miles: Allows user to change the miles at sale on a tripped or final sale using line 7 of the F&I screen.
63 Financed By Button: Allows user to open the Choose Finance window using the blue arrow on line 14 of the Deal screen, to select a finance company on a deal.
659 First Payment Due Date: Gives access to set the first payment due date for a deal on line 17 of the Deal screen.
60 Gap Insurance Field: Allows user to add GAP to a deal on line 9 of the Deal screen.
67 Instant Auto Insurance Button: Allows user to add spot insurance to a deal on line 10 of the Deal screen. Auto Insurance field must be activated by our office first. A Hold Harmless letter is required.
64 Interest Rate: Gives access to change the interest rate on a deal using line 18 of the Deal screen.
666 Interest Type: Gives access to choose between add-on and simple interest for a deal on line 18 of the Deal screen.
570 Override *Sale-In-Use* Warning: When attempting to load a sale that another user currently has open on a different computer, you will get a warning that the sale is in use, and that any changes you make cannot be saved. Users with access to 570 will be able to override this warning in order to open the deal and save changes regardless.
716 Remove Trade: Allows user to remove a trade on a tripped or final deal.
56 Sales Price Field: Allows user to change the sales price of a vehicle on a deal.
55 Save Button: Allows user to save a deal to pending.
402 Save Final Sale Button: Allows user to save a deal as finalized (typically done after the deal has been funded), or to re-save a deal that has already been finalized.
677 Save Tripped Sale Button: Allows user to save a deal as tripped (typically done once the vehicle has been delivered).
65 Term Field: Allows user to change the term of a deal on line 19 of the Deal screen.
61 Trade Button: Allows user to add a trade-in to a deal.
602 Undo Sale Button: Allows user to unwind a deal. Most changes can be made to a tripped or final deal without unwinding it. Undo should only be used if the vehicle was never delivered, you could not find financing, or the deal was cancelled for another reason.
860 Warranty Field: Gives access to rate and price service contracts on a deal using line 6 of the Deal screen.
3 Buyer: Gives access to the Buyer tab (under the Sales category) to add buyer and co-buyer information to a deal. Individual functions and tabs within this screen are controlled by sub-items below.
99 Add Reference: Gives access to the "Add Reference" button in the References tab of the Buyer information, to add personal references.
126 Add/Delete Address: Gives access to add or delete address information for a buyer. Without access to 126, existing information can still be edited, and current address information can still be added. However, past addresses cannot be added, and existing address information can only be deleted by erasing the data in each field.
127 Add/Delete Employments: Gives access to add or delete employment information for a buyer. Without access to 127, existing information can still be edited, and current employment information can still be added. However, past employment cannot be added, and existing employment information can only be deleted by erasing the data in each field.
597 Change Pass: Allows a user to view Credco account information and change the associated username or password from the Run Credit window in the Buyer screen. Applies to dealers who pull credit using ASN's integration with Credco.
114 Choose Buyer: Gives access to the "Choose Buyer" button in the Buyer screen, to select from a list of existing customers in your database when adding buyer information to a deal.
885 CRM Status: Gives access to change a buyer's CRM status on line 34 of the Buyer screen. CRM status is used to filter buyers in the CRM tab under Reports. This does not have any effect on the ASN CRM cloud-based application.
715 Customer Deposit: Gives access to the Cust Deposit button in the Buyer screen, to record a deposit taken on a vehicle. This button should be used when a deposit is received on a deal that has not yet been created in the system, or on a deal that is pending but not yet tripped. It can also be used when a user has no access to Bookkeeping but needs to be able to record deposits. Depending on how the deposit was recorded, it may need to be processed manually in Bookkeeping once the deal is created and tripped.
669 Customer Scoring, Edit: Gives access to edit the loan scoring settings that determine the customer score and deal score on a deal. Scoring can be viewed on the Debt and Income Info tabs in the Buyer section.
116 Date of Birth: Gives access to enter and edit a customer’s date of birth in the Buyer screen. Also applies to the Info screen in Bookkeeping and the Client Setup screen in Settings.
583 Delete Buyer/Buyer Cleanup: Gives access to the Delete Buyer and Buyer Cleanup buttons in the Choose Buyer window. Buyer cleanup removes any customers that were added without information (i.e., name only). Customers attached to a pending, tripped, final, or unwound deal cannot be deleted.
571 Delete Credit Report: Gives access to delete a credit report that was previously pulled for a customer in the Run Credit screen.
120 E-mail Address: Gives access to add or edit a customer’s e-mail address in the Buyer screen. Also applies to the Info screen in Bookkeeping and the Client Setup screen in Settings.
134 Equifax: Gives access to pull an Equifax credit report for a buyer in the Run Credit Screen. You must be signed up to pull Equifax reports through Credco or 700 Credit in order for this to work.
132 Experian: Gives access to pull an Experian credit report for a buyer in the Run Credit Screen. You must be signed up to pull Experian reports through Credco or 700 Credit in order for this to work.
106 Manage Debts: Gives access to the Debt Info tab of the Buyer section, to view and edit a customer’s debt information and see debt to income comparison.
100 Manage Incomes: Gives access to the Income Info tab of the Buyer section, to view and edit a customer’s income information and see debt to income comparison.
671 Manage Referrals: Gives access to add, edit, and delete “Referred By” choices on line 15 of the Buyer screen. Use the blue arrow to manage the referrals list. This list also controls the default Lead Sources available to choose from in the CRM.
596 OFAC Checkbox: Gives access to change the default for OFAC checks in the Run Credit window. OFAC can be set to “Always Check” by default. ASN OFAC checks are free.
117 Phone Numbers: Gives access to add or edit a customer’s phone number(s) in the Buyer screen. Also applies to the Info screen in Bookkeeping and the Client Setup screen in Settings.
122 Referred By (Buyer): Gives access to choose from the list of potential referral sources for a buyer on line 15 of the Buyer screen. The referral source chosen here is attached to the buyer, not the sale, and should reflect the original referral source credited for bringing in the buyer. Changes made on this screen will apply to the Buyer screen on all sales associated with that buyer.
129 Run Credit: Gives access to open the Run Credit window from the Buyer screen, to pull a new credit report, view an existing one, and print credit-related forms. See security #s 597, 571, 134, 132, 596, and 133 for access to specific functions within this screen.
121 Salesperson: Gives access to add or change the salesperson associated with a buyer on line 13 of the Buyer screen. The salesperson selected on the buyer screen is attached to the buyer, not the sale, and should reflect the original salesperson credited for bringing in the buyer. Changes made on this screen will apply to the Buyer screen on all sales associated with that buyer.
128 Save Customer Info: Gives access to the “Save Customer Info” button on the Buyer screen. This can be used to save a new customer to the DMS without a deal attached, or to save changes made to a buyer without re-saving the attached deal at the same time.
115 SSN: Gives access to add or edit a buyer’s social security number on line 4 of the Buyer screen. Access to view the full SSN is controlled by security #635. Security 115 also applies to the Info screen in Bookkeeping and the Client Setup screen in Settings.
123 Swap Buyer/Co-Buyer: Gives access to the Swap Buyer/Co-Buyer button in the Buyer screen.
133 TransUnion: Gives access to pull a TransUnion credit report for a buyer in the Run Credit Screen. You must be signed up to pull TransUnion reports through Credco or 700 Credit in order for this to work.
4 Trade: Gives access to the Trade tab (under the Sales category) to add trade information to a deal. Individual functions within this screen are controlled by sub-items below.
73 Adjusted Pay-off: Gives access to enter the verified actual pay-off for a sale on line 12 of the Trade screen. If the verified pay-off is different than the lien value originally entered for the trade, a lien adjustment will automatically be created.
72 Lienholder: Gives access to select the lienholder on a trade-in.
71 Odometer: Gives access to enter the odometer on a trade-in.
69 View in Inv Screen: Gives access to the "View in Inv. Screen" button, to load the trade-in vehicle on the Inventory screen with one click. Deal must be in tripped or final status.
70 VIN: Gives access to enter the VIN for the trade-in vehicle.
5 F&I: Gives access to the F&I tab (under the Sales category) to add F&I information to a deal. Individual functions within this screen are controlled by sub-items below.
86 Add/Edit Salesperson: Gives access to add or change the salesperson(s)/manager(s) listed on a deal for commission and performance-tracking purposes. Unlike the salesperson field on the Buyer screen, the field on the F&I screen is used to select the salesperson attached to the sale, not to the buyer. This field may be changed from one sale to another even when the buyer is the same on both sales.
79 Buy Rate: Gives access to enter or edit the buy rate on line 26 of the F&I screen.
607 Close Due Bill on Final Sale: Gives access to mark a due bill item as complete on a tripped or final deal.
409 Contract Cancellation Popup: Gives access to the Contract Cancellation button and associated popup in the F&I screen. This popup allows the user to process a contract cancellation for a tripped or final deal per CA AB-68. The Contract Cancellation Option must be added to the deal in the Fees section of the deal screen in order for this button to be available.
81 Discount %: Gives access to enter or edit the discount percentage on line 20 of the F&I screen.
84 Discount Amount: Gives access to enter or edit the discount dollar amount on line 20 of the F&I screen.
75 DMV ROS No.: Gives access to enter or edit the DMV Report of Sale number on line 11 of the F&I screen.
606 Edit Due Bill on Final Sale: Gives access to add or edit due bill items on a tripped or final sale.
80 Lender Reserve: Gives access to enter or edit the lender PAR Split on line 19 of the F&I screen.
78 Loan Doc Fee: Gives access to enter or edit the loan doc fee on line 24 of the F&I screen.
82 Participation Add-On: Gives access to enter or edit the participation add-on percentage on line 16 of the F&I screen.
83 Participation Amount: Gives access to enter the actual participation amount on line 17 of the F&I screen.
77 Referred By (F&I): Gives access to add or change the referral source for a sale on line 14 of the F&I screen. Unlike the referral source selected on the Buyer screen, the referral selected on the F&I screen is attached to the sale, not the buyer. This field may be changed from one sale to another even when the buyer is the same on both sales. Example: If a customer originally found your dealership 2 years ago via your website and purchased a car at that time, but came back later and purchased a second vehicle, the referral source selected on the Buyer screen should be "website", but the referral source selected on the F&I screen for the second sale should be "repeat customer".
74 Service Contract No: Gives access to enter or edit the service contract number for a service contract sold with a vehicle on line 10 of the F&I screen.
76 Tag: Gives access to add or edit the tag on a deal using line 13 of the F&I screen. Tags are optional and can be used to categorize sales for reporting purposes.
85 UG Amount: Gives access to add or edit the Unconditional Guarantee amount on line 21 of the F&I screen.
555 View Change Log: Gives access to view the record of changes made to a sale, using the Change Log button on the F&I screen.
6 Credit: Gives access to the Credit tab (under the Sales category). This screen is essentially a duplicate of the Buyer tab, used to pull credit on a customer who is not actively loaded in a deal. That is, if you are in the middle of working a deal and need to pull credit on a different customer, you can use the Credit tab to do so without exiting out of the current deal. All security within this tab is set by security sub-items for the Buyer tab (see #3 above).
7 Blue Book: Gives access to the Book Values tab (under the Sales category) to book vehicles, pull history reports, check for recalls, etc. Individual functions within this screen are controlled by sub-items below. Most of the functions on this screen are also available on the View/Edit Inventory screen in the Inventory section. The Book Values screen is primarily used to book and appraise vehicles not yet in your inventory.
98 AutoCheck: Gives access to pull an AutoCheck report for a vehicle. You must have an integrated AutoCheck account in order to pull reports.
667 Change Plates on Stock: Gives access to enter or edit the plate number and associated expiration date on a vehicle using the Book Values screen.
836 Get Book Values: Gives access to view vehicle values in the Book Values screen. Each book type requires a separate subscription in order to get values.
97 Save Vehicle: Gives access to save a new vehicle to the list of previously booked vehicles on the Book Values screen. This list is used to easily pull up a vehicle that was previously booked if you need to revisit the information at a later time.
8 Vehicle Information: Gives access to the Vehicle Info tab (under the Sales category) to view basic vehicle information for the currently-loaded sale vehicle. Individual functions within this screen are controlled by sub-items below.
95 Disclosures: Gives access to view and edit the disclosures selected for the sale vehicle.
546 Disclosures Record of Changes: Gives access to view the change log in the Choose Disclosures popup, which shows a record of any disclosures added to or removed from the sale vehicle.
94 File Number: Gives access to view the gross/commission cost of the sale vehicle (purchase cost + recon + pack). This is the amount used to calculate profits for commission.
96 Reconditioning Popup: Gives access to open the Reconditioning popup within the Vehicle Information screen, to view a log of recon items and costs applied towards the sale vehicle.
9 Contracts: Gives access to the Contracts tab (under the Sales category) to view and print contracts and submit deals to lenders for approval. Individual functions within this screen are controlled by sub-items below.
846 Change Sale Lot: Gives access to permanently change the lot a sale is assigned to. For dealers who submit deals to CUDL or RouteOne for approval, the sale lot determines which CUDL/RouteOne account the deal is submitted to. 846 only applies to dealers with multiple lots. Without access to 846, users can still change the sale lot temporarily for the purposes of printing contracts only. Changing the lot will change the dealership name and address printed on contracts.
670 Edit Contract Buttons: Gives access to change the list of contracts available to print from each button in the Contracts screen, as well as those in the right-hand list.
10 Recap: Gives access to the Recap tab (under the Sales category) to view front/back-end profits and post commissions. Individual functions within this screen are controlled by sub-items below. Security #10 also gives access to the Recap Report in the "My Reports" screen, which shows a list of sales with recap profit.
92 Add Salesman: Gives access to add a salesperson or other employee to the deal for commission purposes.
91 Back End Cost Adjustment: Gives access to add an adjustment to the back end cost using the arrow on line 26 of the Recap screen.
90 Front End Cost Adjustment: Gives access to add an adjustment to the front end cost using the arrow on line 9 of the Recap screen.
93 Lock Sale: Gives access to lock the sale to prevent further changes. The "Save" button will disappear from the Deal screen once the sale is locked.
580 Post/Adjust Commissions: Gives access to post commissions to accounting.
579 Sale Summary: Gives access to view and print the Sales Summary for a deal on line 20 of the Recap screen. The sales summary is a wash/recap report that shows basic information about the sale along with front and back end profit and commissions info.
578 Vehicle Profit Profile: Gives access to view and print the Vehicle Accounting Profile pertaining to a sale on line 20 of the Recap screen. This shows basic information about the sale along with a breakdown of revenues, expenses, gross profit, and net profit.
577 View Pack in Recap Reports: Gives access to view pack amount in the Sale Summary recap report available on line 20 of the Recap screen.
889 Bulk Recap: Gives access to the Bulk Recap tab (under the Sales category) to post commissions on multiple deals at once.
11 Inventory: Gives access to the Inventory tab. Individual screens and items within this tab have separate security.
12 Edit Inventory: Gives access to the View/Edit Inventory tab (under the Inventory category) to add new inventory and view/edit existing inventory. Individual functions within this screen are controlled by sub-items below.
137 Add a New Car: Gives access to the "Add a New Car" button, to add a new vehicle to your inventory.
159 Asking Price: Gives access to view and edit the Asking Price for a vehicle on line 53 of the View/Edit Inventory screen.
135 Auto Check: Gives access to pull an AutoCheck report for a vehicle from the View/Edit Inventory screen. Requires an integrated AutoCheck account.
138 BBK Options: Gives access to view and edit vehicle options, including no-value options and book value options.
909 Bulk Price Change: Gives access to the "Bulk Price Change" button in the Choose Vehicle window (when opened from the View/Edit Inventory screen), which allows a user to update the asking or sale price on ALL unsold vehicles by a specific amount.
600 Change Stocknumber: Gives access to change the stocknumber of a vehicle using the blue arrow on line 22 of the View/Edit Inventory screen.
650 Commission Cost: Gives access to view the commission cost for a vehicle on line 59 of the View/Edit Inventory screen. Commission cost = purchase cost + recon + pack. This is the amount used to calculate profits for commission.
140 Decode VIN: Gives access to decode a VIN using the right arrow on line 4 of the View/Edit Inventory screen. This would typically be used to re-decode the VIN of a vehicle already in inventory if the VIN was initially entered or decoded incorrectly.
139 Delete: Gives access to delete a vehicle from Inventory. You can only delete inventory that has no associated accounting transactions.
136 Disclosures: Gives access to view and edit disclosures added to a vehicle from the View/Edit Inventory screen.
163 Display Price: Gives access to select where a vehicle's sale price (if applicable) will be viewable (stickers and/or website). This is set on line 57 of the View/Edit Inventory screen.
557 Dispose Vehicle: Gives access to dispose a vehicle using the trash can icon on line 32 of the View/Edit Inventory screen. Disposals are used for vehicles that cannot be deleted.
147 Drivetrain: Gives access to view and select the drivetrain for a vehicle on line 10 of the View/Edit Inventory screen. In the case of a VIN that cannot be decoded, access to 147 will allow the user to choose from a list of default drivetrain options.
149 Engine: Gives access to view and select the engine for a vehicle on line 12 of the View/Edit Inventory screen. In the case of a VIN that cannot be decoded, access to 149 will allow the user to choose from a list of default engine options.
872 Flooring Co Name: Gives access to view the flooring company for a vehicle (if applicable) on line 62 of the View/Edit Inventory screen.
806 GPS: Gives access to view and edit the GPS# and Vendor for a vehicle (if applicable) on line 44 of the View/Edit Inventory screen.
617 In-Date: Gives access to view and edit the vehicle in-service date on line 20 of the View/Edit Inventory screen. In-service date is the date when the vehicle was first purchased from a dealership (i.e., put into service).
164 Internet Remarks: Gives access to view and edit internet remarks using the blue arrow on line 58 of the View/Edit Inventory screen. Internet remarks are custom text/descriptions sent with the vehicle information in inventory feeds to your website and third party vendors.
544 Inventory Record of Changes: Gives access to view and edit the change log on the View/Edit Inventory screen, to see a record of changes made to the vehicle information from this screen.
160 Lock/Min Price: Gives access to view and edit the minimum price for a vehicle on line 54 of the View/Edit Inventory screen. This is the lowest price the system will allow the vehicle to be sold for.
144 Make: Gives access to view the make of a vehicle on line 6 of the View/Edit Inventory screen. In the case of a VIN that cannot be decoded (or decodes incorrectly), access to 144 will also allow the user to select the vehicle make from a drop-down list.
151 Mileage Type: Gives access to view and edit a vehicle's mileage type (actual, not actual, excessive, exempt) on line 13 of the View/Edit Inventory screen.
150 Miles: Gives access to view and edit a vehicle's miles on line 13 of the View/Edit Inventory screen.
145 Model: Gives access to view and select the model type of a vehicle on line 7 of the View/Edit Inventory screen. In the case of a VIN that cannot be decoded, access to 145 will also allow the user to manually type in the vehicle model or choose from customized defaults.
545 No-Value Options Record of Changes: Gives access to view the Change Log available in the "No-Value Options" popup on the View/Edit Inventory screen, to see a record of changes made there. No-Value Options are options that do not contribute to a vehicle's book value, but show up on window stickers, as well as on vehicle detail pages on the web.
902 Override "Vehicle In Use" Warning: Allows an employee to "unlock" the View/Edit Inventory screen in order to make changes to a vehicle while another employee has the same vehicle loaded on a separate computer. The screen can be unlocked by clicking on the red padlock that will appear in these instances.
167 Pack: Gives access to view and edit a vehicle's Pack amount on line 65 of the View/Edit Inventory screen.
574 Pre-paid Vehicle Invoices: Gives access to add and view Quick Payment entries from the New Car Invoice popup on the View/Edit Inventory screen. A quick payment entry can be used when a vehicle being added to inventory has already been paid for. Quick payment entries are automatically logged in the history screen for the associated vendor, and cannot be edited once entered.
162 Price Expiration: Gives access to view and edit a vehicle's sale price expiration date on line 56 of the View/Edit Inventory screen. This field allows you to set an expiration date on a discounted (sale) price for a vehicle.
165 Purchase Cost: Gives access to view the purchase cost of a vehicle, and open the New Car Invoice showing purchase information, using line 61 of the View/Edit Inventory screen.
166 Recon Cost: Gives access to view the recon cost of a vehicle, as well as details in the associated Reconditioning Log popup, using line 63 of the View/Edit Inventory screen.
168 Recon Estimate: Gives access to view the estimated recon amount for a vehicle, as well as view and edit itemization of the estimate, using line 66 (and the associated popup) in the View/Edit Inventory screen.
156 Registration Fee: Gives access to view and edit vehicle registration fees on line 35 of the View/Edit Inventory screen. If a registration fee is entered on this screen, the system will use this value instead of automatically estimating registration fees when a sale is crated.
161 Sale Price: Gives access to view and edit the sale (discounted) price for a vehicle, if applicable, on line 55 of the View/Edit Inventory screen.
154 Sell Type: Gives access to view and edit the default sale type for a vehicle (retail vs wholesale) on line 32 of the View/Edit Inventory screen.
157 State: Gives access to view and edit a vehicle's registration state on line 8 of the New Car Invoice popup in the View/Edit Inventory screen.
146 Submodel: Gives access to view and select the submodel of a vehicle on line 8 of the View/Edit Inventory screen. In the case of a VIN that cannot be decoded, access to 146 will also allow the user to manually type in the vehicle submodel or choose from customized defaults.
155 Tag Expires: Gives access to view and edit a vehicle's license plate expiration date on line 34 of the View/Edit Inventory screen.
153 Trade Status: Gives access to view and change a vehicle's trade status (active vs inactive) on line 31 of the View/Edit Inventory screen. Applies to trade-ins only.
148 Transmission: Gives access to view and select the transmission for a vehicle on line 11 of the View/Edit Inventory screen. In the case of a VIN that cannot be decoded, access to 148 will allow the user to choose from a list of default transmission options.
141 Un-Decode VIN: Gives access to unlock the VIN field and un-decode a VIN using the left arrow on line 4 of the View/Edit Inventory screen. This is typically used if a VIN was entered incorrectly and needs to be adjusted.
598 Unlock Fields: Gives access to unlock the View/Edit inventory screen for a sold vehicle using the "Unlock" checkbox on the bottom-right corner. The screen is automatically locked once a vehicle is sold to prevent unauthorized changes to the vehicle information.
158 Vehicle is At: Gives access to view and edit vehicle locations on line 40 of the View/Edit Inventory screen. This field is used to keep track of custom locations for vehicles beyond the lot name selected on line 3. (Ex. in transit, check-in, service shop, etc.)
618 Vehicle Notes: Gives access to view and edit internal notes regarding a vehicle on line 43 of the View/Edit Inventory screen.
152 Vehicle Style: Gives access to view and edit a vehicle's style type (car, SUV, van, etc.) on line 17 of the View/Edit Inventory screen. When possible, this information is automatically selected based on the vehicle's VIN.
142 VIN: Gives access to view a vehicle's VIN on line 4 of the View/Edit Inventory screen.
143 Year: Gives access to view the model year of a vehicle on line 5 of the View/Edit Inventory screen. In the case of a VIN that cannot be decoded, access to 143 will also allow the user to manually type in the vehicle year.
13 Upload Photos: Gives access to the Upload Photos tab (under the Inventory category) to manage inventory photos and upload them to your website or third party feeds. Individual functions within this screen are controlled by sub-items below.
847 Remove Photos: Gives access to remove previously uploaded inventory photos from the Upload Photos tab.
169 Upload Photos: Gives access to upload new inventory photos for a vehicle using the Upload Photos tab.
653 Upload to Craigslist: Gives access to the Craigslist AutoPoster button, which links to your AutoPoster dashboard (if service is activated). Only applies to dealers with a valid Craigslist AutoPoster subscription.
14 DMV Reconciliation: Gives access to the DMV Reconciliation tab (under the Inventory category). Individual functions within this screen are controlled by sub-items below.
171 Save (Summary): Gives access to save new fees or other changes to the reconciliation details for a vehicle in the "Worksheet" tab of the DMV Reconciliation screen.
170 Save (Worksheet): Gives access to save a DMV reconciliation summary and post all fees to accounting.
172 Total Amount Applied to Vehicle: Gives access to view and edit the total fee amount applied to a vehicle on line 8 of the DMV Reconciliation screen (worksheet tab).
15 DMV Title: Gives access to the DMV Title Info tab (under the Inventory category) to track inventory title information. Individual functions within this screen are controlled by sub-items below.
177 California Emission: Gives access to mark that a vehicle meets California Emission standards on line 22 of the DMV Title Info screen. Applies to out-of-state vehicles for California dealers only.
179 Smog Cert Number: Gives access to view and edit a vehicle's smog certificate number on line 24 of the DMV Title Info screen.
178 Smog Certificate Date: Gives access to view and edit a vehicle's smog inspection date on line 23 of the DMV Title Info screen.
175 Title Received: Gives access to mark that a vehicle's title has been received on line 17 of the DMV Title Info screen.
174 Verification Received: Gives access to mark that a vehicle verification has been received for a unit on line 16 of the DMV Title Info screen. Applies to out-of-state vehicles for California dealers.
173 VIN Number: Gives access to view a vehicle's VIN number on line 1 of the DMV Title Info screen.
176 Weight Certificate: Gives access to mark that a vehicle's weight certificate has been received on line 18 of the DMV Title Info screen. Applies to out-of-state pickups for California dealers only.
16 Reconditioning: Gives access to the Reconditioning tab (under the Inventory category) to add reconditioning invoices to a vehicle. Individual functions within this screen are controlled by sub-items below.
406 Choose Vendor: Gives access to select a vendor in the Reconditioning screen, to add new reconditioning invoices or edit existing ones. You must have access to security 406 to use the reconditioning screen.
832 Edit Invoices: Gives access to edit existing reconditioning invoices in the Reconditioning screen.
180 Save: Gives access to save new reconditioning invoices in the Reconditioning screen. If user has access to 406 and 832, they can still save changes to existing invoices without access to 180.
182 Select Account: Gives access to line 5 in the Reconditioning screen, to choose an account to use when posting a reconditioning invoice. You cannot save new reconditioning invoices without access to 182.
412 Smog & Tire Fee Popup: Gives access to the popups associated with tire fees and smog fees when adding reconditioning to a vehicle. When posting an invoice to 510221 - Tires, the system will generate a popup prompting you to enter the number of tires purchased with this transaction. When posting an invoice to 51021 - Smog, the system will generate a popup prompting you to enter the smog date, smog certificate number, and DMV ID Number for the associated transaction. Without access to 412, users can still post reconditioning to these accounts, but will not see the related popup to add these additional details.
17 Print Items: Gives access to the Printing tab (under the Inventory category) to design and print vehicle-related documents (buyer's guides, jacket stickers, etc.). Individual functions within this screen are controlled by sub-items below.
185 Delete: Gives access to delete a previously-made custom buyer's guide or window sticker.
183 Design Customer Buyer's Guide: Gives access to create a new custom buyer's guide.
184 Design Custom Sticker: Gives access to create a new custom window sticker.
186 Edit: Gives access to edit an existing custom-made buyer's guide or window sticker.
679 NMVTIS Reports: Gives access to pull a NMVTIS report for a vehicle from within the software (Print Items or Contracts screen). Requires a valid VINAudit account.
730 Collateral Management: Gives access to the Collateral Management tab (under the Inventory category) to manage vehicle repossessions, impounds, insurance claims, etc. Individual functions within this screen are controlled by sub-items below. The collateral management screen and associated security items apply to BHPH/in-house sale vehicles only.
744 Add/Edit/Delete Statuses, Locations: Gives access to add, edit, or delete custom list items within the Collateral Management screen. Applies to dropdown options for vehicle condition, storage company, police agency, vehicle status, release location, insurance agency, and insurance status.
738 Impound: Gives access to the Impound tab in Collateral Management, to manage vehicle impounds.
741 Insurance Claims: Gives access to the Insurance Claims tab in Collateral Management, to manage insurance claims on previously sold vehicles.
736 Insurance Verification: Gives access to the Insurance Verification tab in Collateral Management, to manage insurance information and verification for a sold customer.
739 Lien Sale: Gives access to the Lien Sale tab in Collateral Management, to manage lien sales of previously sold vehicles.
745 Repossess Vehicle: Gives access to order a vehicle repossession, mark a vehicle as repoed, redeem a repo, or mark a repoed vehicle as "ready for sale". If a user has access to security #737 but does not have access to 745, they will still be able to request a repo, view and edit existing repo information, and undo a repo.
737 Repossession: Gives access to the Repossession tab in Collateral Management, to manage repossessions of previously sold vehicles.
740 Seizure: Gives access to the Seizure tab in Collateral Management, to manage vehicle seizures,
835 Flooring Management: Gives access to the Flooring tab (under the Inventory category) to manage all aspects of vehicle flooring.
18 Reports: Gives access to the Reports tab. Individual screens and items within this tab have separate security.
19 Sales Reports: Gives access to the list of default sales reports available in the My Reports screen. Access to individual sales reports can be adjusted with security sub-items below.
576 Cash Down and Deferred Payments: Gives access to the Cash Down and Deferred Payments report, which shows all deals within a give date range that include a cash down/deferred down payment, along with outstanding balances.
560 Change Log for Deleted Sales: Gives access to the Change Log for Deleted Sales report, which shows the record of changes for all sales that were tripped or finalized and later unwound and deleted, when money had already been received on the deal.
354 Commission Detail Report: Gives access to the Commission Detail Report, which shows a list of sales grouped by salesperson, along with associated commissions.
355 Commission Voucher Rep: Gives access to the Commission Voucher Report, which is an abbreviated version of the Commission Detail Report.
559 Contract Cancellations: Gives access to the Contract Cancellations Report, which shows a list of all sales cancelled per the California Car Buyers Cooling-Off Period (AB 68). Applies to CA dealers only.
733 CRM - BDR Activity: Gives access to the CRM - BDR Activity report, which displays CRM-related activity for any employee(s) marked as a BDR in Client Setup. Activity displayed includes a count of calls/texts/appointments etc. made or sent from the DMS. This security and the associated report are unrelated to the cloud-based ASN CRM.
731 CRM - BDR Flow: Gives access to the CRM - BDR Flow report, which displays a count of all leads within a given time period grouped by assigned BDR, along with the number of leads in each stage of the sales process (appointed, shown, sold) and conversion rates. Also gives access to the related CRM - BDR Flow by Activity Date report. These reports are based off of leads added to the DMS and activity conducted in the DMS only. This security and the associated reports are unrelated to the cloud-based ASN CRM.
732 CRM - BDR Sources: Gives access to the CRM - BDR Sources report, which shows DMS leads grouped by BDR and source, along with conversion rates. This security and the associated report are unrelated to the cloud-based ASN CRM.
734 CRM - Salesman Flow: Gives access to the CRM - Salesman Flow report, which displays a count of all leads within a given time period grouped by assigned salesperson, along with the number of leads in each stage of the sales process (appointed, shown, sold) and conversion rates. This report is based off of leads added to the DMS and activity conducted in the DMS only. This security and the associated report are unrelated to the cloud-based ASN CRM.
558 Disposal Report: Gives access to the Disposal Report, which shows a list of all vehicles that have been disposed.
831 DRN - Report of Activity: Gives access to the DRN Activity report, which shows a log of DRN orders for repo alerts and collection monitoring purposes. Applies to dealers with an active DRN account only.
356 Finance & Ins Company Info: Gives access to the Finance & Ins Company Info report, which shows a list of all finance companies in your database along with contact details.
619 Financed Details - Recourse Report: Gives access to the Financed Details - Recourse report, which shows a list of deals financed with an unconditional guarantee.
829 FL Doc Stamp Report: Gives access to the Florida Doc Stamp Tax report, which shows all sales within a given date range and associated doc stamp taxes. Applies to Florida dealers only.
830 FL Sales Tax: Gives access to the Sales Tax - FL report, which shows a breakdown of taxes for sales in Florida. Applies to Florida dealers only.
566 Funded Deals (by Finance Company): Gives access to the Funded Dealers (by Finance Company) report, which shows a list of funded deals grouped by the associated finance company.
581 Income By Vehicle: Gives access to the Income by Vehicle report, which shows a summary of income earned for each vehicle sold within a given date range.
603 Outstanding Trade Liens: Gives access to the Outstanding Trade Liens report, which shows a breakdown of balances owed to lienholders on acquired trade-ins.
643 Recon After Recap Report: Gives access to the Recon After Recap report, which shows a list of all vehicle reconditioning posted on sold vehicles after the deal recap was done.
357 Sales Detail Report (End of Month): Gives access to the Sales Detail Report (End of Month), which shows F&I details for all sales within a given date range.
358 Sales Follow Up: Gives access to the Sales Follow Up report, which shows basic client and sale information (along with profits, bonuses, and commissions) for all sales within a given date ranged, grouped by salesperson.
359 Sales Follow Up List: Gives access to the Sales Follow Up List report, which shows buyer contact information for all sales within a given date range.
565 Sales List: Gives access to the Sales List report, which shows all sales within a given date range and includes details of vehicle cost, vehicle sale price, F&I product price(s), taxes, and fees, etc.
360 Sales Performance: Gives access to the Sales Performance report, which shows a list of all sales within a given date range and includes the names of the salesmen and sales/F&I managers on each deal. Also includes a summary of profits for all deals listed.
361 SalesTax Detailed by County*: Gives access to the SalesTax Detailed by County report, which shows all sales within a given date range grouped by county, along with tax owed and paid per sale.
362 Trade Activity Report: Gives access to the Trade Status Report, which shows a list of trade-ins taken in on deals within a given date range.
567 Undo Sale Log: Gives access to the Undo Sale Log report, which shows a list of all sales that have been unwound, the employee who performed the undo sale, and the associated reason.
562 Unfunded Deals: Gives access to the Unfunded Deals report, which shows the total amount owed per finance company for all unfunded deals, along with the associated breakdown per deal.
364 Unprocessed Trades: Gives access to the Trades - Inactive List report, which shows all trade-ins on tripped or final deals that have not been marked active in inventory.
20 Inventory Reports: Gives access to the list of default inventory reports available in the My Reports screen. Access to individual inventory reports can be adjusted with security sub-items below.
365 Inventory Detail List: Gives access to the Inventory Detail List report (and associated historical report), which show a basic list of vehicles in inventory, along with wholesale/retail values and list prices.
585 Inventory Detail Pricing List: Gives access to the Inventory Detail Pricing List report, which shows the same information as the Inventory Detail List report, along with internet prices.
657 Inventory Summary for Sales Managers: Gives access to the Manager's Inventory Summary Report (and associated Historical report), which show a list of vehicles in inventory along with purchase and recon costs, mileage, sale prices, and aging.
656 Inventory Summary for Salespersons: Gives access to the Inventory Summary Report, which shows a list of vehicles in inventory along with mileage, sale prices, and aging.
366 Inventory Valuation List: Gives access to the Inventory Valuation List (and associated Historical report), which show a list of vehicles in inventory along with costs, prices, values, and aging.
596 KBBReport: Gives access to the Kelley Blue Book Values report, which shows a list of all unsold vehicles in inventory along with prices, KBB options, and KBB retail values.
661 NADA Report: Gives access to the NADA Values report, which shows a list of all unsold vehicles in inventory along with prices, NADA submodels, and NADA retail values.
21 DMV Reports: Gives access to the list of default DMV reports available in the My Reports screen. Access to individual DMV reports can be adjusted with security sub-items below.
367 DMV Fees Due: Gives access to the DMV Fees Due report, which shows all fees due to the DMV.
368 DMV Monthly Report: Gives access to the DMV Monthly report, which shows all DMV fees owed and paid per month, broken down by sale.
369 DMV Verification List: Gives access to the DMV Verification List report. This shows a list of all out-of-state vehicles without record of verification or record that the vehicle meets CA Emissions standards. This report also lists all pickups without record of a weight certificate on file. Applies to CA dealers only.
370 ROS Detail List: Gives access to the ROS Detail List report, which shows a list of sold vehicles along with the associated finance company and DMV ROS number.
371 Smog List: Gives access to the Smog Inspection List report, which shows a list of all vehicles that require a smog inspection.
372 Titles Missing List: Gives access to the Titles Missing List report, which shows a list of all vehicles without titles.
373 Titles Received List: Gives access to the Titles Received List report, which shows a list of all vehicles that have a title on file.
22 Miscellaneous Reports: Gives access to the list of default Miscellaneous reports available in the My Reports screen. Access to individual Miscellaneous reports can be adjusted with security sub-items below.
680 8300 Audit Report: Gives access to the Unprinted 8300 Forms report, which shows a list of all customers from which you have collected over $10,000 in cash payments but have not printed a Form 8300.
682 8300 Printed Items: Gives access to the Printed 8300 Forms and Letters report, which shows a list of all 8300 forms and letters printed within a given date range.
844 Accessories Report: Gives access to the Accessories Sold report, which shows a breakdown of all accessories sold on deals within a given date range, sorted by accessory type.
599 Bad Dept Report: Gives access to the Bad Debt Detail Report, which shows all items written off to the Bad Debt account (6270).
568 CA Tire Recycling Fees: Gives access to the CA Tire Recycling Fees report, which summarizes associated fees incurred by your dealership. Applies to CA dealers only.
377 Credit Retrieval Log: Gives access to the Credit Retrieval Log report, which shows a list of credit pulls performed through the software, with associated credit scores.
561 Gap Report (Unpaid): Gives access to the Sold Gap Contracts (Unpaid) report, which shows a list of all gap products sold on deals that have not yet been paid for.
655 Invalid Emails Report: Gives access to the Invalid Email Addresses report, which displays a list of all invalid buyer email addresses attached to sales.
564 Personnel Profile: Gives access to the Personnel Profile report, which shows a list of all company employees (past and present) along with hire dates, termination dates (where applicable), and contact numbers.
383 Sold Gap List: Gives access to the Sold Gap Contracts report, which shows a list of all sales that include Gap insurance.
384 Sold Warranties Report: Gives access to the Sold Service Contracts report, which shows a list of all sales that include service contracts.
385 Source Detail Report: Gives access to the Source Detail Report, which shows a count of monthly sales broken down by referral source.
386 Thank You Letters: Gives access to the Thank You Letters report, which generates a Thank You letter for every sold customer within a given date range. Also gives access to the Client Export report (an export of all clients within a given date range, including basic customer and sale information where applicable), Client Labels report (to print client address labels), and Client Phone Numbers report (a report of basic client contact information along with description of sale vehicle where applicable).
611 Vehicle Deletion Log: Gives access to the Vehicle Deletion Log report, which shows a list of vehicles that have been deleted from inventory.
387 Vendor Info: Gives access to the Vendor Info report, which shows a list of all vendors in your database along with contact information.
388 Warranties (Unpaid): Gives access to the Sold Service Contracts (Unpaid) report, which shows a list of all service contracts sold on deals that have not yet been paid for.
23 Client Relationship Management: Gives access to the CRM tab (under the Reports section) to generate client lists for the purpose of managing clients, printing letters, and sending mass emails or texts. Individual functions within this screen are controlled by sub-items below. Please note that this is a completely separate tool from the cloud-based ASN CRM.
348 Add Custom Letter: Gives access to create a custom letter from the CRM screen. Custom letters are added to the list of letters available to print from this screen. User must also have access to security 349 to save the custom letter after creating it.
347 Delete: Gives access to delete a letter from the sent log in the CRM screen. This only deletes the record of the letter being sent.
346 Export to Excel: Gives access to export a list of clients from the CRM screen into an Excel file.
748 Mass Email: Gives access to send a mass email to a group of clients from the CRM screen.
747 Mass Text: Gives access to send a mass text to a group of clients from the CRM screen. Requires a texting subscription with ASN.
652 Original Salesperson: Gives access to filter a list of clients in the CRM screen by the original salesperson or BDR attached to the client. Please note that some level of access to 652 is required to make use of other functions in this screen. Set to "view access only" for the user to access their own clients only.
349 Save Custom Letter: Gives access to save a new customer letter for use in the CRM screen, or to save changes to an existing custom letter.
24 Trade Potential: Gives access to the Trade Potential tab (in the Reports section), which is used to generate a list of previously sold customers that are potentially in the market to trade-in their vehicle for a new one. Individual functions within this screen are controlled by sub-items below.
350 Export and Print: Gives access to export and/or print the list of customers generated from the Trade Potential screen.
25 Sales Tax Worksheet: Gives access to the Sales Tax Worksheet tab (in the Reports section), which is used to help calculate dealer-owed sales tax in the state of California. Individual functions within this screen are controlled by sub-items below. Applies to CA dealers only.
351 Begin/Reset: Gives access to begin a new worksheet or reset the screen to default amounts.
352 Load Worksheet: Gives access to load an existing worksheet.
353 Save: Gives access to save changes to a worksheet.
398 Profit Stats: Gives access to the Profit Stats tab (in the Reports section), which is used to view various profit statistics based on inventory, sales, or buyer details.
622 Financed Loan Reports: Gives access to the list of default Loan reports available in the My Reports screen. Access to individual Loan reports can be adjusted with security sub-items below.
662 Cash Expected Report: Gives access to the Cash Expected Report, a BHPH/financed loan report which shows expected cash receivables over a given period of time.
637 Cash in Deal Report: Gives access to the Cash in Deal Report, which breaks down cash in deal for all sales.
610 Cash Receipts Report: Gives access to the Cash Receipts Report, which shows a list of cash receipts for a given time period.
722 Collection Aging Statistics: Gives access to the Daily Collection Aging ($) Statistics reports, which show the percentage of BHPH/financed loan accounts per aging category per day, along with associated dollar amounts.
654 E-Payment Accounts Report: Gives access to the E-Payment Accounts Overview report, which shows a list of all your dealership's e-payment accounts, along with recurring payment information where applicable.
883 E-Payment Details Breakdown: Gives access to the E-Payment Detailed Breakdown report, which shows details of all e-payment transactions processed within a given time period.
621 Inactivated Loans: Gives access to the Inactivated Loans Accounts report, which shows a list of BHPH/financed loan accounts that have been inactivated within a given time period.
380 Insurance Report: Gives access to the Insurance Expired for Active Loans report, which shows a list of active BHPH/financed loan customers with no insurance or expired insurance.
614 Lease Sales Tax Report: Gives access to the Loans Lease Sales Tax Report, which shows a list of payments received from leases and the sales tax collected per payment.
601 Loan Aging Report: Gives access to Loan Aging reports (regular and By Purchase Vendor), which list all BHPH/financed loans and their aging receivables. Also gives access to the "Print Aging" button in the Collections screen.
819 Loan Interest Activity Report: Gives access to the Loan Interest Activity Report, which breaks down interest received per BHPH/financed loan account.
376 Loans Report (Unearned Interest): Gives access to the Loans Report (Unearned Interest) report, which breaks down interest received and unearned interest per BHPH/financed loan account.
663 Missing E-Titles: Gives access to the Missing E-Title report, which shows a list of all BHPH/financed loans without e-title information from the DDI eTitleLien system. Applies to dealers/finance companies signed up with DDI only.
608 Payments Received Change Log: Gives access to the Payments Received Change Log report, which shows a record of changes made to payments after being received (voids, edits, etc.).
634 Postpone Details Report: Gives access to the Loans Postpone Details report, which shows details of BHPH/financed loan accounts with payment amounts postponed during a given time period.
651 Postponed and Extended Payments: Gives access to the Postponed and Extended Payments report, which shows all BHPH/financed loan accounts for which payments have been postponed or extensions have been granted within a given time period.
615 Sales Tax Report - By Payments: Gives access to the BHPH Sales Tax Report, which shows a list of payments received from BHPH accounts within a given date range, and the sales tax paid on these payments. Applies to dealers in states with BHPH deferred sales tax only.
665 Custom Report Screen: Gives access to the Custom Reports tab (in the Reports section), which is used to build various types of reports (inventory, sales, loans, etc.) that can then be viewed in the My Reports screen.
873 Shop Reports: Gives access to the list of default Shop reports available in the My Reports screen. Access to individual Shop reports can be adjusted with security sub-items below. Applies to dealers with a service shop subscription only.
874 Cash Receipts for Shop: Gives access to the Cash Receipts for Shop report, which displays a list of all money received in the shop tab.
855 RO Sales Tax: Gives access to the RO Sales Tax report, which breaks down sales tax charged per repair order, grouped by county and RO type.
761 Reports Screen: Gives access to the My Reports tab (in the Reports section), where users can view all system reports, including both default and custom reports. The types of reports accessible from this screen can be controlled by security #s 19, 20, 21, 22, 622, and 873, along with associated sub-items. The exception here is certain accounting reports, which are ONLY available from the Accounting section, and are controlled by security #42 and associated sub-items.
311 All Sale Status: Allows a user to filter by "all" sales statuses on line 5 when pulling a report in the My Reports screen. Also allows filtering by "all" RO statuses (complete and incomplete) for shop reports. Only applicable to certain reports.
308 All Sales Types: Allows a user to filter by "all" sales types on line 4 when pulling a report in the My Reports screen. Also allows filtering by "all" RO types for shop reports. Only applicable to certain reports.
305 Export to Excel: Allows a user to export a report to Excel.
310 Final Sales: Allows a user to filter by finals sales on line 5 when pulling a report in the My Reports screen. Also allows filtering by "complete" ROs for shop reports. Only applicable to certain reports.
314 Lot: Allows a user to filter by lot on line 3 when pulling a report in the My Reports screen. Only applicable to dealers with multiple lots.
306 Retail Sale Type: Allows a user to filter by retail sales on line 4 when pulling a report in the My Reports screen. Also allows filtering by retail ROs for shop reports. Only applicable to certain reports.
309 Tripped Sales: Allows a user to filter by tripped sales status on line 5 when pulling a report in the My Reports screen. Only applicable to certain reports.
307 Wholesale Sales: Allows a user to filter by wholesale sales on line 4 when pulling a report in the My Reports screen. Also allows filtering by wholesale ROs for shop reports. Only applicable to certain reports.
778 Appointments Screen: Gives access to the Appointments tab (in the Reports section), where users can log appointments and reminders for themselves or others. This screen can be used for customer tracking and follow-up in conjunction with the CRM tab, as well as for internal scheduling purposes. Individual functions within this screen are controlled by sub-items below.
781 Create Global Reminders: Allows a user to create an appointment along with a global reminder for ALL users in the system.
782 Create Recurring for Others: Allows a user to create a recurring appointment/reminder for another employee.
784 Notes Screen: Gives access to the Notes tab (in the Reports section), where users can view and manage all system notes, as well as emails and texts sent through the system.
815 Consumer Affairs: Gives access to the Consumer Affairs tab (in the Reports section), were users can manage consumer affairs issues and complaints. Individual functions within this screen are controlled by sub-items below. Use of this screen requires a separate subscription to the Consumer Affairs module; contact our office for more details.
816 Resolve: Gives access to mark an open issue/complaint as "resolved".
26 Bookkeeping: Gives access to the Bookkeeping tab. Individual screens and items within this tab have separate security.
27 Write Checks: Gives access to the Write Checks tab (in the Bookkeeping section), which is used to post payments made out to customers, vendors, finance companies, and employees. Individual functions within this screen are controlled by sub-items below.
194 Amount: Gives access to enter the payment amount on line 5 of the Write Checks screen.
191 Check Account: Gives access to select the account being used to make a payment on line 1 of the Write Checks screen.
193 Check Date: Gives access to enter the payment date on line 4 of the Write Checks screen.
192 Check Type: Gives access to select the payment type (check, electronic payment, credit card) on line 2 of the Write Checks screen.
664 Credit Card Import: Gives access to the CC Import button on the Write Checks screen, to import credit card transactions from a CSV file into the DMS.
209 Expense Account: Gives access to select from all possible accounts when selecting an expense account for a quick invoice on the Write Checks screen. If 209 is restricted but 595 All Accounts Access is not, the user will still be able to select from all accounts using the dropdown on line 6 of the Quick Invoice popup.
195 Quick Invoice: Gives access to create a Quick Invoice on the Write Checks screen. This is used to generate an invoice on-the-fly that will be paid immediately. Quick invoices that are not paid before logging out/loading a new account are automatically deleted.
197 Save and Print Later: Gives access to the "Save" button on the Write Checks screen, which allows a user to save a payment. In the case of a payment made by check, this button is used when the payment is to be saved without printing the check immediately.
196 Save and Print Now: Gives access to the "Save & Print Now" button on the Write Checks screen, which allows a user to save a payment made by check and print the corresponding check at the same time.
208 Save Quick Invoice: Gives access to the "Save" button in the Quick Invoice popup, to save the Quick Invoice and add it to the Write Checks screen.
189 Search Customer: Gives access to search for/load a customer in the Write Checks screen and see corresponding invoices.
188 Search Employee: Gives access to search for/load an employee in the Write Checks screen and see corresponding invoices.
190 Search Finance: Gives access to search for/load a finance company/lienholder in the Write Checks screen and see corresponding invoices.
187 Search Vendor: Gives access to search for/load a vendor in the Write Checks screen and see corresponding invoices.
28 Receive Payments: Gives access to the Receive Money tab (in the Bookkeeping section), which is used to receive money from customers, vendors, finance companies, and employees. Individual functions within this screen are controlled by sub-items below.
202 Amount: Gives access to enter the deposited amount on line 1 of the Receive Money screen.
203 Date: Gives access to enter the deposit date on line 3 of the Receive Money screen.
204 Quick Invoice: Gives access to create a Quick Receivable Invoice on the Receive Money screen. This is used to generate an invoice on-the-fly that will be received immediately. Quick invoices that are not received before logging out/loading a new account are automatically deleted.
207 Revenue Account: Gives access to select a GL account when creating a Quick Receivable Invoice.
205 Save: Gives access to save a deposit on the Receive Money screen. Access to security #205 is also required to use the Text2Pay feature in the Receive Money and Customer Deposit screens for non-BHPH/financed loan customers.
206 Save Quick Invoice: Gives access to the "Save" button in the Quick Invoice popup, to save a Quick Receivable Invoice and add it to the Receive Money screen.
200 Search Customer: Gives access to search for/load a customer in the Receive Money screen and see corresponding invoices.
199 Search Employee: Gives access to search for/load an employee in the Receive Money screen and see corresponding invoices
201 Search Finance: Gives access to search for/load a finance company/lienholder in the Receive Money screen and see corresponding invoices.
198 Search Vendor: Gives access to search for/load a vendor in the Receive Money screen and see corresponding invoices.
29 History: Gives access to the History tab (in the Bookkeeping section), which is used view to checking/invoice history for customers, vendors, finance companies, and employees. Individual functions within this screen are controlled by sub-items below.
683 8300 Forms: Gives access to print IRS 8300 forms from the History screen.
214 Edit Transaction: Gives access to edit a previous transaction (money paid or received) from the History screen. When editing a transaction, a user may be able to change the deposit ID#, date, memo, or type, and/or re-apply a payment for a BHPH/financed loan customer. Access to security #217 is also required to void a transaction. Access to security #219 is required to save any changes to deposit details, as well as to save a voided transaction.
33 Letters and Reports: Gives access to print various letters and reports from the History screen, including statements, invoices, payment booklets, envelopes, etc.
215 NSF/Refund Processing: Gives access to the NSF/Refund button in the History screen, to mark a payment as NSF or record a disputed credit card e-payment. Also gives access to the NSF/Refund button for non e-payment transactions in the Repair Order Payment History window (shop customers only). Lastly, 215 gives access to issue a refund to a (non-Shop) customer in the e-payment popup window, and to post any e-payment refund (including Shop refunds) to a client's account using the "process payment" button in the Pending Payments window (in Receive Money, Financed Loans, and Repair Orders screens). Any changes made to access for security 215 will take effect immediately except for the user's ability to issue refunds in the e-payment window; this access takes effect overnight.
218 Print Check: Gives access to print a check from the History screen. Applies to payments that were made via "computer check" payment type. Upon clicking the "Edit Transaction" button, the user will see an option to print the check.
220 Print Detail: Gives access to print check details from the History screen. Applies to payments that were made via "computer check" payment type. Upon clicking the "Edit Transaction" button, the user will see an option to print the check details.
216 Print Receipt: Gives access to print a receipt for a transaction from the History screen.
219 Save: Gives access to save changes to a transaction from the History screen. Security 219 is also required to save changes to existing transactions accessible from other screens, such as Manage Deposits.
212 Search Customer: Gives access to search for/load a customer in the History screen and see corresponding checking/invoice history. Also gives access to view checks associated with customers in the Check Register.
211 Search Employee: Gives access to search for/load an employee in the History screen and see corresponding checking/invoice history. Also gives access to view checks associated with employees in the Check Register.
213 Search Finance: Gives access to search for/load a finance company/lienholder in the History screen and see corresponding checking/invoice history. Also gives access to view checks associated with finance companies/lienholders in the Check Register.
210 Search Vendor: Gives access to search for/load a vendor in the History screen and see corresponding checking/invoice history. Also gives access to view checks associated with vendors in the Check Register.
217 Void: Gives access to void a payment in the History screen. Only certain payments can be voided. Access to security #219 is required to save and finalize a void.
668 Info: Gives access to the Info tab (in the Bookkeeping section), which is used to view and edit information for any previously sold customer in your system. Customer payment history can also be viewed from this screen. Individual functions within this screen are controlled by sub-items below.
636 Change Primary Buyer: Gives access to switch the primary buyer on a previous sale, in cases where a co-signer or co-buyer becomes the primary buyer.
31 Adjustments: Gives access to the Adjustments tab (in the Bookkeeping section), which is used to write off invoices, transfer invoices from one PID to another, or process a debit-credit memo for an invoice. Individual functions within this screen are controlled by sub-items below. Dealers with a service shop subscription: access to security #s 31, 231, and 233 are also required to use the Write Off feature in Shop.
231 Adjustment Account: Gives access to select an account for an adjustment on line 4 of the Adjustments screen.
230 Adjustment Type: Gives access to select the adjustment type (write-off/debit-credit memo/transfer) on line 1 of the Adjustments screen.
539 Choose Transferee: Gives access to choose a PID to transfer an invoice to on line 2 of the Adjustments screen.
233 Save: Gives access to save an adjustment.
228 Search Customer: Gives access to search for/load a customer in the Adjustments screen and see corresponding invoices.
227 Search Employee: Gives access to search for/load an employee in the Adjustments screen and see corresponding invoices
229 Search Finance: Gives access to search for/load a finance company/lienholder in the Adjustments screen and see corresponding invoices.
226 Search Vendor: Gives access to search for/load a vendor in the Adjustments screen and see corresponding invoices.
32 Invoicing (Bookkeeping): Gives access to the POs/Invoices tab (in the Bookkeeping section), which is used to post invoices attached to clients, vendors, employees, or finance companies. Individual functions within this screen are controlled by sub-items below.
575 Old/Future Invoices: Gives access to post an invoice that is dated over 90 days in the past or future.
838 Reusable Line Items: Gives access to manage (add/edit/delete) Reusable Line Items in the POs/Invoices screen. Reusable line items are used for invoices that are frequently posted, to avoid having to re-enter the same data multiple times. Once set up, reusable line items can be added to an invoice using the blue arrow on line 2 of the POs/Invoices screen.
238 Save: Gives access to save a new invoice/post it to accounting.
236 Save Customer: Gives access to search for/load a customer in the POs/Invoices screen to post invoices to their account.
235 Search Employee: Gives access to search for/load an employee in the POs/Invoices screen to post invoices to their account.
237 Search Finance: Gives access to search for/load a finance company in the POs/Invoices screen to post invoices to their account.
234 Search Vendor: Gives access to search for/load a vendor in the POs/Invoices screen to post invoices to their account.
34 Financed Loans: Gives access to the Financed Loans tab (in the Bookkeeping section), which is used to post payments from BHPH/financed loan customers and manage those accounts. Individual functions within this screen are controlled by sub-items below.
401 Assess Late Fees: Gives the ability to enable or disable late fees on a BHPH/financed loan account. This feature can be accessed from the Loan Status popup using the blue arrow on line 9 of the Financed Loans screen.
771 Change Extension Fees: Gives access to change the default fee for an extension granted to a BHPH/financed loan customer, or to change the extension fee for a specific customer. This is done from the Change/Extend Payment Date popup (blue arrow on line 12 of the Financed Loans screen).
266 Change Payment Date/Extension: Gives access to change/extend payment due dates for a customer using the blue arrow on line 12 of the Financed Loans screen.
901 Collect Loan Payments Before CPI: Gives the user the ability to post payments to a loan before posting to any past-due CPI payments. This only applies to companies that have specifically requested to have CPI payments collected before loan payments. In all other cases, this security has no effect.
869 Collection Category: Gives access to view/change the collection (active, collections, repo, etc.) category to which a BHPH/financed loan customer is assigned. Also gives access to manage the list of available collection categories using the blue arrow on line 7 of the Financed Loans screen. Collection categories are purely for organizational purposes.
260 Create New Loan w/o Sale: Gives access to the "New Loan" button on the Financed Loans screen, to create a new loan for an existing customer, without creating a new sale (i.e. without a vehicle attached).
719 e-Title Access: Gives access to the e-title popup, accessible from the Financed Loans screen and Collateral Management screen. This popup can be used to mark a lien as released using the DDI eTitleLien system. Applies to dealers/finance companies signed up with DDI only.
881 GPS: Gives access to view GPS information for a vehicle on a BHPH/Financed Loan account by clicking the location pin icon on the Financed Loans screen.
267 Inactivate: Gives access to the Pay Off/Inactivate button in the Loan Status/Pay Off Summary window (blue arrow on line 9 of the Financed Loans screen). This button is used to mark a loan as inactive, and moves any outstanding pay off amount to the Receive Money screen. If a user does not have access to security 267, but posts a payment to an account that meets or exceeds the payoff amount, the loan will be inactivated automatically.
417 Loan Notes: Gives access to the "Notes" button in the Financed Loans screen, which opens the "View Notes" window. This window is used to create and view all notes pertaining to a BHPH/financed loan customer, and to manage follow up dates. Without access to 417, loan notes can be viewed only.
817 Lock / Unlock Account: Gives access to lock/unlock a BHPH/Financed Loan account. When an account is locked, no money can be received on the loan, and no changes can be made to the loan.
263 Modify Loan: Gives access to modify a loan by right-clicking on line 8 in the Financed Loans screen. Modifying a loan allows you to change the APR, term, and/or payment amount. Access to security 263 also gives a user ability to view the "Modified Loans Log" report in the Reports screen.
265 Payment Date: Gives access to change the payment date when receiving a payment from a BHPH/financed loan customer in the Financed Loans screen.
612 Payment Reminders: Gives access to the Payment Reminders button, which opens the Collector Setup popup in the Financed Loans screen and Receive Money screen. This screen is used to set up automated text messages sent to customers for payment reminders/insurance expiration reminders. Requires a texting subscription
674 Payment Reminders - Apply to All: Gives access to manage payment reminder calls/texts for ALL customers in the Payment Reminders/Collector Setup popup. Without access to 674, reminders must be set up/managed on a customer-by-customer basis.
807 Payment Reminders - Manage GPS Alerts: Gives access to manage GPS settings from the the Collector Setup window, accessible from the Payment Reminders button in the Receive Money and Financed Loans screens. The GPS Settings button opens the GPS Integration popup, where integrated GPS vendors can be set up to track vehicles on financed loan accounts. Requires GPS on vehicles and an account with an integrated GPS provider.
808 Payment Reminders - Opt In/Opt Out of GPS Alerts: Gives access to toggle GPS alerts for a BHPH/financed loan customer. These settings can be adjusted by clicking on the location pin icon on the Financed Loans screen. Applies to vehicles with active GPS using an integrated GPS provider.
604 Postpone Payments: Gives access to the Postpone button in the Financed Loans screen. Note that postponing payments is different than granting a payment extension, and in most cases extension should be used instead.
262 Quick Invoice: Gives access to generate a quick invoice for a customer in the Financed Loans screen. A quick invoice is one that is made on-the-fly to be paid immediately. Quick invoices that are not paid before logging out/loading a new account are automatically deleted.
826 Re-Allocate Payments: Gives access to re-apply a prior payment to different invoices in the Financed Loans screen.
264 Save: Gives access to save and post a customer payment on the Financed Loans screen. Access to 264 is also required to use the Text2Pay feature for BHPH/financed loan customers in the Financed Loan and Customer Deposit screens.
258 Search Customer: Gives access to search for/load a customer on the Financed Loans screen.
658 Waive CC/ACH Convenience Fees: Gives access to waive convenience fees charged for credit card or ACH transactions on the Financed Loans screen. Applies to dealers set up to run electronic payments by credit card or ACH. Convenience fees are set up in Bookkeeping Defaults and invoiced automatically on the Financed Loans screen when an e-payment is chosen as the payment method.
594 Waive Late Fees: Gives access to waive individual late fees on a BHPH/financed loan account.
35 Collections: Gives access to the Collections tab (in the Bookkeeping section), which is used to manage collections for BHPH/financed loan customers. Individual functions within this screen are controlled by sub-items below.
271 Add (Custom Letter): Gives access to create a custom letter to be sent to BHPH/financed loan customers. Custom letters can be added by clicking the "Edit Letters" button in the Collections screen. These letters can be sent from the Financed Loans screen, Collections screen, or History screen. New letters can only be saved if the user also has access to security 272.
718 Add/Edit Outcomes, Reasons, Results: Gives access to edit the list of call results available on line 3 of the Collection Info popup, as well as the list of Reasons Delinquent on line 20.
717 Assigned To Filter: Gives access to view BHPH/financed loan accounts assigned to other users in the Collections screen by clicking the blue arrow on line 13.
676 AutoEmailer: Gives access to the AutoEmailer tool on the Collections screen, which can be used to send automated emails to BHPH/financed loan customers based on triggers such as upcoming payment due, late payment due, or expiring insurance. Requires a separate subscription for auto-emailing.
269 Delete Report: Gives access to delete a previously saved collections report from the report dropdown on line 1 of the Collections screen.
270 Edit Letters: Gives access to the "Edit Letters" button in the Collections screen, to add/edit/or delete collection letters. New letters can only be added if the user also has access to security 271. Changes to letters can only be saved if the user also has access to security 272.
749 Mass Email: Gives access to the "Mass Email" button in the Collections screen, which is used to send a mass email to a list of BHPH/financed loan customers generated in the Collections screen.
750 Mass Text: Gives access to the "Mass Text" button in the Collections screen, which is used to send a mass email to a list of BHPH/financed loan customers generated in the Collections screen. Requires a texting subscription with ASN.
272 Save (Custom Letter): Gives access to save changes made in the "Add/Edit Collection Letters" popup accessible from the "Edit Letters" button in the Collections screen.
268 Save Report: Gives access to save a report created in the Collections screen. Saving a report retains the filters selected on the screen so they can easily be recalled at a later date. Saved reports show up in the dropdown on line 1.
36 Cancellations: Gives access to the Cancellations tab (in the Bookkeeping section), which is used to manage cancellations of GAP and Service Contracts previously sold to customers. Individual functions within this screen are controlled by sub-items below.
845 Delete: Gives access to delete a previously saved cancellation. (This reverses the cancellation.)
273 Save: Gives access to save a new cancellation and post a payable for the associated refund, or to save changes to an existing cancellation.
613 Credit Reporting: Gives access to the Credit Reporting tab (in the Bookkeeping sections), which is used to report BHPH/financed loan accounts to credit bureaus. Requires a separate credit reporting subscription with ASN; you must sign up for this service with one or more bureaus first.
37 Accounting: Gives access to the Accounting tab. Individual screens and items within this tab have separate security.
38 Check Register: Gives access to the Check Register tab (in the Accounting section), which is used to view checking account history and print checks. Individual functions within this screen are controlled by sub-items below.
275 Adjust Check Layout: Gives access to the "Adjust Check Layout" button, which allows a user to align/arrange check fields for printing, and to select a default printer for checks.
277 Check Account: Gives access to view and edit the account associated with a check in the View/Edit Check popup. This also applies to other screens where the View/Edit Check popup is accessible (e.g. History screen). In some cases you will not be able to edit the account associated with a check even if access to 277 is granted.
276 Check Number: Gives access to view and edit the check number associated with a check in the View/Edit Check popup. This also applies to other screens where the View/Edit Check popup is accessible (e.g. History screen). In some cases you will not be able to edit the account associated with a check even if access to 276 is granted.
279 Print Check: Gives access to print a computer check from the check register.
280 Save: Gives access to save changes to a check's details in the View/Edit Check popup on the Check Register screen and the Bank Ledger screen.
278 Void: Gives access to void a check from the View/Edit Check popup on the Check Register screen and the Bank Ledger screen.
39 Deposit Register: Gives access to the Manage Deposits tab (in the Accounting section), which is used to view and batch deposits. Individual functions within this screen are controlled by sub-items below.
282 Deposit Account: Gives access to select an account for which to apply a deposit on line 4 of Unbatched Deposits, or to edit the account on line 4 of the View/Edit Deposit popup.
281 Deposit Date: Gives access to view and edit the date for a deposit on line 1 of Unbatched Deposits, or on line 5 of the View/Edit Deposit popup.
283 Save: Gives access to save a new deposit from Unbatched Deposits, to save changes to an existing deposit from the View/Edit Deposit popup, and to unclear a deposit from Batched Deposits. Access to security 219 is also required to save changes to an existing deposit.
586 Void: Gives access to void a deposit from the View/Edit Deposit popup. If the deposit has already been batched, voiding simple un-batches it.
40 Reconcile Checkbook: Gives access to the Bank Recon tab (in the Accounting section), which is used to manage reconciliations. Individual functions within this screen are controlled by sub-items below.
900 Bank Balances: Gives a user ability to see bank account balances in the Reconcile Checkbook screen.
285 Bank Entry: Gives access to input a quick invoice (for bank fees or bank credits, e.g.) using the "Bank Entry" button when doing a reconciliation.
286 Delete Reconciliation: Gives access to delete an existing reconciliation.
605 Lock/Unlock Reconciliations: Gives access to lock or unlock a bank reconciliation. A locked reconciliation cannot be edited.
287 Print Reconciliations: Gives access to print details of a bank reconciliation.
284 Reconciliations: Gives access to load an existing reconciliation from line 2 of the Bank Recon screen (line 1 if using the old method).
228 Save: Gives access to save changes to a reconciliation. Applies to the old method only.
588 Save Deposits: Gives access to save changes to a transaction when viewing the transaction details in the Bank Recon screen.
587 Void Deposits: Gives access to void a transaction when viewing the transaction details in the Bank Recon screen.
42 Accounting Reports: Gives access to the Reports tab in the Accounting section. These accounting reports have been created by ASN and are separate from other system reports available in the Reports section (security section 18). Individual functions within this screen are controlled by sub-items below.
638 1099 Report: Gives access to view and print a Vendor 1099 Report and Vendor 1099 Forms. The 1099 Report lists all vendors marked as 1099 Vendors in Client Setup, along with amounts paid to said vendors.
834 Choose Lot: Gives access to choose a lot when pulling accounting reports, to view reports specifically pertaining to one or more lot. Applies to dealers with multiple lots, an unassigned lot, or a service shop.
43 Transfers: Gives access to the Transfers tab (in the Accounting section), which is used to record money transferred from one bank account to another.
44 Ledger: Gives access to the Ledger tab (in the Accounting section), which allows you to view all accounting transactions that occur in the DMS.
45 Payroll: Gives access to the Payroll tab (in the Accounting section), which is used to record payroll and post associated transactions to accounting. Individual functions within this screen are controlled by sub-items below.
827 Payroll Setup: Gives access to the Setup tab in the Payroll screen, which is used to set up the basic details of your company's payroll, including federal and state tax vendors, paycheck setup, payroll company details, and payroll deductions.
47 Adjust Account Balances: Gives access to the Journal Entries tab (in the Accounting section), which is used to record accounting adjustments and inventory write-downs. Individual functions within this screen are controlled by sub-items below.
301 New Adjustment: Gives access to create a new adjustment.
302 Save: Gives access to save all changes made to the adjustment log and post adjustments to accounting.
304 Save Receipt: Gives access to save an individual adjustment to the adjustment log. Access to 302 is also required to finalize the adjustment.
645 Bank Ledger: Gives access to the Bank Ledger tab (in the Accounting section), which allows you to view a record of accounting transactions pertaining to a specific bank account.
48 Setup: Gives access to the Setup/Settings (gear icon) tab. Individual screens and items within this tab have separate security.
49 Company Info: Gives access to the Company Info tab in Settings to change basic company information including address, phone number, hours of operation, and license/Tax ID numbers.
50 Transfer Vendor: Gives access to view the Transfer/Merge tab, where users can merge together two vendors/customers/finance companies/employees in your system.
390 Execute Merge: Gives access to the "Execute Merge" button in the Transfer/Merge screen. Merges cannot be made without access to 390, regardless of access to security #50. Merging is irreversible; access to 390 should be closely monitored.
51 Defaults: Gives access to set system defaults using the Defaults tab in Settings. Sales Defaults, Misc Defaults, Bookkeeping Defaults, Shop Defaults, and Fee Defaults are all managed from this section. CA Dealers: Access to security #51 also gives a user the ability to update dealership-wide account information for DMV Desk, Fairfax, and Samba Safety in the Contracts screen.
414 Change Log: Gives access to view a log of changes made within the Defaults section.
52 Security: Gives access to the Security tab in Settings, to view and adjust security for any and all users.
30 Client Setup: Gives access to view the Client Setup screen in Settings. The types of "clients" that can be set up or modified within this screen are dependent on access to security sub-items 222-225.
413 Change Employee Password: Allows an employee to create a new password for a user who has not yet been assigned one.
647 Change LSI Defaults: Gives access to set the default invoice type, invoice amount, and receivable/offset accounts for LSI coverage. These defaults can be changed by right-clicking the CPI logo on line 43 of the Customer Setup or Information screens.
648 Change PW without Old One: Gives access to change any user's password, regardless of whether the old password is know.
891 Employee Email Address: Gives access to line 23 in Employee Setup to add an employee's email address for sending emails from the software.
416 Employee Termination: Gives access to the "Terminate" button in Employee Setup to terminate an employee in the system, as well as the "Re-Hire" button to re-hire a previously terminated employee.
415 Employee Termination History: Gives access to a log of any employee's past terminations/re-hires. Log can be viewed from the blue arrow on line 18 of Employee Setup.
221 Save: Gives access to save a new customer, employee, finance company, or vendor to the system from within the Client Setup screen. The types of "clients" that can be created are dependent on access to security sub-items 222-225. If 221 is restricted but employee still has access to lines 222-225, changes to existing clients can still be auto-saved.
224 Search Customer: Gives access to add a new customer OR search for/make changes to an existing customer in the Client Setup screen. Security #221 is also required to save a new customer to the system from this screen.
223 Search Employee: Gives access to add a new employee OR search for/make changes to an existing employee in the Client Setup screen. Security #221 is also required to save a new employee to the system from this screen.
225 Search Finance: Gives access to add a new finance company/lender/lienholder OR search for/make changes to an existing one in the Client Setup screen. Security #221 is also required to save a new finance company, lender, or lienholder to the system from this screen.
222 Search Vendor: Gives access to add a new vendor OR search for/make changes to an existing vendor in the Client Setup screen. Security #221 is also required to save a new vendor to the system from this screen.
878 Vendor Name/Check Name: Gives access to change a vendor's DBA on line 1 of the Vendor Setup screen, as well as their "Print Check As" name (the name printed on checks made out to the vendor) on line 3 of the Vendor Setup screen. If access to 878 is restricted but an employee does have access to create a new vendor in the system, they will still be able to set the vendor's DBA and "Print Check As" name before initially saving the vendor to the system.
548 Other: This is a parent category for miscellaneous other security items. Access to 548 must be authorized in order to authorize access to sub-items, but 548 in and of itself does not have a security function.
549 Add Account: Gives access to add a new account to Chart of Accounts.
550 Delete Account: Gives access to delete an account in Chart of Accounts.
551 Rename Account: Gives access to rename an account in Chart of Accounts.
552 Choose Lot (Sales): Gives access to select a lot when creating or searching for a sale (or a customer/transaction related to a sale) in the software. (Applies to dealers with multiple lots.)
595 All Accounts Access: Gives access to search and select from all accounts in various screens of the software, as opposed to recommended accounts only. When selecting an account on any screen, the blue arrow next to the account field allows the user to see all accounts. if given access.
616 Delete Notes: Gives access to delete any notes created in the software. Applies to all types of notes - vehicle notes, sales notes, etc. (Some system notes cannot be deleted by anyone).
635 Full SSN and TaxID Access: Gives access to view full social security numbers and Tax IDs anywhere they are listed in the DMS software or the CRM.
584 Quick Add/Edit Vendors: Gives access to the 'quick add' option for creating new vendors in various screens of the software using the "Choose Vendor" popup. This option allows a user to quickly add a brand new vendor to the system without accessing the Client Setup screen. Also gives access to the 'Edit' button in the "Choose Vendor" popup, which allows a user to edit vendor information. Additionally, access to 584 affects a user's ability to add or edit wholesale customers in Shop, since wholesale RO customers are categorized as vendors.
646 Choose Lot (Vehicles): Gives access to change a vehicle's lot on line 3 of the View/Edit Inventory screen, OR view any lot when searching for a vehicle in the software. (Applies to dealers with multiple lots, or dealers who use the "unassigned" lot option.)
833 Unassigned Lot: Gives access to view the "unassigned" lot in any screen of the software where a lot selection applies. (Applies to dealers who use the "unassigned" lot option .)
542 Hidden Vendors: Gives access to view hidden vendors in the software. (Individual vendors can be marked as hidden in Vendor Setup.)
685 DealerZone - Pay ASN Invoices: Gives access to view and pay invoices on the ASN DealerZone.
842 ASN CRM Mobile App Admin: Gives a user access to adjust security for all employees in the ASN CRM. See this FAQ for more details. (Changes to 842 take place overnight. If a user has access to security 842, their CRM access cannot be removed from within the CRM.)
686 ASN Valuator Mobile App: Gives a user the ability to log into the ASN Valuator app. Your dealership must also have a Valuator subscription in order to use the app. Subscriptions can be purchased in the ASN DealerZone. (Changes to 686 take place overnight.)
640 E-Payments - load pending: Gives access to the "pending payment" button in the Receive Money, Financed Loans, and Work in Progress screens. This button allows dealers who accept e-payments to view and process these payments.
641 E-Payments - save accts: Gives access to add a new payment account to a customer or vendor in the E-Payments window. (Applies to dealers who accept e-payments.)
642 E-Payments - run a payment: Gives access to process an e-payment. (Applies to dealers who accept e-payments.)
752 Document Management: Gives access to the Document Management window accessible from various screens of the software. Access to individual functions within DocManagement are set using the security sub-items listed below.
757 Add/Edit/Delete Folders: Gives access to create new folders, edit the names of existing folders, or delete folders within Document Management. (See the blue arrow on line 3 of the Document Management window).
756 Change Folder: Gives access to select a folder when uploading a file to Document Management. (See line 3 of the Document Management window). If 756 is restricted, the file will be uploaded to the default DocManagement folder based on the screen from which DocManagement is being accessed.
758 Change PIDs: Gives access to change the PID associated with a file being uploaded to DocManagement. (See blue arrow on line 2 of the Document Management window). If 758 is restricted, the PID will be determined based on the screen from which the DocManagement window is accessed).
760 Delete Documents: Gives access to delete documents that have already been uploaded to DocManagement.
800 Public Folder: Gives access to view and upload to the DocManagement "Public" folder. The Public folder is used for documents that are unrelated to a specific PID, such as general company-related documents. Access to security #800 is required to be able to archive system reports, since archived reports are stored in this folder.
903 Transfer Authoritative E-Signed Files: Gives an employee access to "transfer out" the authoritative copy of any e-signed contracts to create a digital, printable PDF with a red "authoritative document" watermark. This is a non-reversible action that moves the official version of the contract(s) out of ASN, making your dealership the new custodian of said documents.
755 Upload: Gives access to upload new documents to DocManagement.
759 View Documents: Gives access to view existing documents in DocManagement.
799 Accounting Subgroups: Gives access to assign a financial grouping to accounts in Chart of Accounts. Financial grouping feature must be turned on first; contact our office for more information.
802 E-Payments - Ignore Payment: Gives access to "ignore" an e-payment listed in the Pending Payments window. An ignored e-payment affects the customer's payment account but does not post to their account in your DMS. (Example: If a customer makes a car loan payment for $200 via credit card e-payment, and the e-payment is ignored, the customer's credit card is still charged $200, but the loan in your DMS will not reflect the fact that the customer made a $200 payment.) Access to 802 also allows a user to mark an existing e-payment as pending from the History tab in the E-Payments popup, which will put the payment back into Pending Payments to be processed/re-applied.
814 Alerts - Manage: Gives access to the "Manage Notifications" section of DMS alerts. (See bell icon on top-right of screen.)
818 Edit Others' Notes: Gives access to edit or delete notes made by other users in the software. If this item is restricted, a user will also be restricted from editing or deleting their own notes anytime after the date they were created. Applies to all types of notes - vehicle notes, sales notes, etc.
859 Choose Profile (Accounting): Gives access to switch between accounting profiles when using the software. Only applies to dealers using multiple accounting profiles. This feature is not enabled by default and must be activated by ASN first. Contact our office for more information.
861 Hidden Loans: Gives access to view hidden financed loans. When a loan is hidden, anyone without access to 861 will not be able to see the loan in the Search Receivables popup or Collections screen.
888 Manage Texting Templates: Gives access to edit or delete texting templates created in the DMS. These templates can be managed from any screen in the DMS where customers can be texted.
687 Shop: Gives access to the Shop tab (only applicable to dealers with a service shop subscription). Individual screens and items within this tab have separate security.
688 RO Screen: Gives access to the Repair Order tab (in the Shop section), used to view, create, and manage shop ROs. Individual functions within this screen are controlled by sub-items below.
723 Add Techs: Gives access to add a tech to a labor line on a repair order. The user will also be able to see the tech's labor rate unless access to 854 is restricted.
865 Affects Commission Ck: Gives access to the "Affects Commission" checkbox on in-house recon ROs for locked sales. If checked, the reconditioning amount will be deducted from the front-end profit of the sale, and therefore affect employee commissions.
906 Change Logo: Gives access to upload a (new) service shop logo via the DealerZone.
848 Change Lot: Gives access to switch between lots when creating a new RO. Only applies to dealers with multiple lots and a service shop subscription for each lot.
876 Choose Labor Wage via A, B, C: Gives access to adjust tech labor rates via a dropdown on line 3 of the Add/Edit Technician popup in the RO screen. In order for this feature to work, you must first set up wage levels B & C on line 30 of the Shop Defaults tab in System Defaults. The wage levels act as increments to an employee's default hourly wage. If access to security 854 is restricted, but access to 723 and 876 are granted, and wage levels are set up, a user will be able to change an hourly employee's labor rate on an RO by selecting from wage levels A, B, and C. In this case, the actual wages will still be hidden - only the letters A, B, and C will be visible.
693 Delete R/O Estimates: Gives access to delete any RO that has not yet been invoiced. ROs can be deleted from the Work in Progress screen.
904 Dispose Parts: Gives access to create a Parts Disposal RO (to remove parts from inventory).
854 Edit Labor Rates: Gives access to view and edit a tech's labor rates on any labor item in a repair order.
907 Edit R/O Labor LIST Price: Gives access to edit the list price of a labor item on an RO, using line 4 of the Edit Labor Item popup.
701 Edit R/O LineItem Prices: Gives access to edit the price of any line item on a particular repair order. In the case of labor lines, this does not control the user's ability to edit the list price (line 4 of the Edit Labor Item popup), but does control the ability to edit the price per hour and subtotal (lines 5 and 6).
871 Epicor: Gives access to the Epicor button in the Repair Order screen, to create, download, and submit quotes for shop parts through Epicor. Only applies to dealer who are signed up with Epicor and using ASN's integration.
877 Labor Taxability: Gives access to choose whether or not a labor item is taxed on a repair order.
897 Labor-Item Completion Date: Gives access to edit the completion date of a labor item in an RO (line 9 of Edit labor Item popup) or a sublet in an RO (line 11 of the Sublet popup).
862 Loaner Vehicles: Gives access to add a loaner vehicle to a repair order and print loaner documents.
893 Loaners - Choose Loaned-Out Vehicles: Gives access to select a currently loaned-out vehicle as the loaner on another repair order.
852 Lock, Unlock ROs: Gives access to lock or unlock an invoiced repair order. No changes can be made to locked repair orders.
696 Manage Fees: Gives access to add, edit, or delete fees from the the master list in the repair order screen, using the "Fees" button at the top of the screen.
695 Manage Labor: Gives access to add, edit, or delete the labor items from the master list in the repair order screen, using the "Labor" button at the bottom-left of the screen.
697 Manage Links: Gives access to add, edit, or remove links in the repair order screen, using the "Links" button at the top of the screen. Links are parts, labor, or fees automatically added to a repair order whenever a part matching a certain category, subcategory, or part code is added.
698 Manage Part Categories: Gives access to add new part categories or subcategories from the "Manage Part Information" window in the Repair Order screen. These can be added using the blue arrows on line 19 and 20 of the popup.
694 Manage PartCodes: Gives access to change the part code for an existing part using the blue arrow on line 2 of the "Manage Part Information" window.
882 Manage Tags: Gives access to add, edit, and delete RO tags from within the Repair Order screen. Tag Management can be accessed by clicking on the "Tags" button on the bottom-right corner of the screen.
858 Override RO-In-Use Warning: Gives access to override the warning that pops up when loading an RO that is currently loaded by another user on a different computer.
867 Quick part: Gives access to add a quick part to a repair order. Quick parts are parts that are added on-the-fly, rather than being added from your parts inventory.
892 Refund Epayment: Allows a user to right-click on any e-payment in the shop payment history and mark it as "NSF/Refund". Also gives access to issue a refund to a customer in the e-payment popup window within Shop. Refunding other types of payments in Shop, as well as processing e-payment refunds in the Pending Payments window, is controlled by security 215 (NSF/Refund Processing). Any changes made to access for security 892 will take effect immediately except for the user's ability to issue refunds in the e-payment window; this access takes effect overnight.
905 Remove Parts on Invoiced Wholesale: Allows a user to delete parts from a Wholesale RO after it has been invoiced.
890 RO Posting Date: Gives access to edit the accounting posting date for an RO invoice from the "Save R/O" popup on the RO screen.
868 RO Returns: Gives access to the "Return This RO" button on the RO screen, to mark one or more line items in an RO as "returned".
864 Sales Tax Rates: Gives access to edit the sales tax rate on an RO on line 26 of the RO screen.
692 Save R/O Estimate: Gives access to save an RO as an estimate, or to save any newly-created RO.
899 Save R/O to Closed: Gives access to save an RO as "closed". This is the final status for an RO that has already been completed and invoiced.
896 Save R/O to Completed: Gives access to save an RO as "completed". Completed implies that the work on the RO has been complete.
911 Save R/O to Dispatched: Gives access to save an RO as "dispatched". Dispatched ROs are ready to be sent to your service technicians to begin labor.
691 Save R/O to Invoice: Gives access to save an RO that is currently NOT invoiced to invoice status, and post to accounting.
918 Save R/O to Quote: Gives access to save an RO as a quote. Quotes are considered a preliminary status before estimates.
898 Save R/O while Closed: Gives access to re-save an RO that is already in closed status.
895 Save R/O while Invoiced: Gives access to re-save an RO that is already in invoiced status.
700 Sell Part Below Cost: Allows a user to add a part to an RO with a sales price that is lower than the cost of the part (i.e., sell the part at a loss).
699 Show Part Costs: Gives access to see the cost of a part in the RO screen.
853 Un-Invoice ROs: Gives access to move an RO invoice back into quote, estimate, or dispatched status. Note that in certain cases (such as invoiced repair orders that have already been paid), you will not be able to undo the invoice regardless of security access.
851 Use Parts From Other Lots: Gives access to reserve a part belonging to a different lot when adding parts to a repair order. When access to 851 is granted and a user is editing a line item to reserve parts for a repair order, they will see a checkbox to "Show ALL LOTS".
690 PO Screen: Gives access to the Purchase Order tab (in the shop section), used to manage part supplies and create, edit, and delete purchase orders. Individual functions within this screen are controlled by sub-items below.
850 Change Lot: Gives access to switch lots when creating a purchase order, in order to select which lot is ordering the parts. Applies only to dealers with multiple lots, and a service shop subscription for both lots.
779 Appointments: Gives access to the Appointments tab (in the shop section), to view and manage the service shop schedule, including appointments and reminders.
780 Work in Progress: Gives access to the Work in Progress tab (in the shop section), to view, search for, and load existing repair orders. Individual functions within this screen are controlled by sub-items below.
849 See Other Lots: Gives access to view repair orders assigned to other lots, either by searching for the repair order in the Work in Progress screen (line 5 dropdown), or by entering the RO number on the RO screen. Also gives access to import repair orders assigned to other lots when importing from the CRM. ROs from other lots will not load without access to security 849. Applies only to dealers with multiple lots, and a service shop subscription for both lots.
916 View Closed R/Os: Gives access to VIEW any RO in "closed" status.
914 View Completed R/Os: Give access to VIEW any RO in "completed" status.
913 View Dispatched R/Os: Give access to VIEW any RO in "dispatched" status.
912 View Estimate R/Os: Give access to VIEW any RO in "estimate" status.
915 View Invoiced R/Os: Give access to VIEW any RO in "invoiced" status.
917 View Quoted R/Os: Give access to VIEW any RO in "quote" status.
813 Returns: Gives access to the Returns tab (in the shop section), to manage purchase order part returns.
839 Dashboard: Gives access to the Dashboard tab (in the shop section) to view service shop revenues and expenses, as well as a summary of aging receivables.